Greek debut: Chios Airport by Descent2View released for X-Plane 11
The Greek development studio Descent2View has released its first work for X-Plane 11, the Chios Island National Airport Omiros (LGHI/JKH). The airport is located on the Greek island of the same name in the northern Aegean and is available for 26 US dollars at the Store or for 26.99 Euros at SimWorks Studios.
According to the product description, the developers of Descent2View with their debut scenery offer an extremely detailed replica of the entire airport and its surroundings. This includes over 800 objects, high-resolution floor textures (20 centimetres per pixel), animated traffic, PBR reflections on the taxi and runways as well as 3D night lighting. However, the entire island of Chios – the fifth largest in Greece and the tenth largest in the Mediterranean – is not part of the product.
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