eBag 2.0 released for X-Plane
eBag 2.0 is a PDF and image viewer embedded within the X-Plane window. It was designed to allow the virtual pilots to view charts, manuals, checklists, and other documents inside the simulator. And this all while flying! The tool was originally published in January 2015. The latest version is now available since past Sunday and offers the following features.
Main features of eBag 2.0
- wide file formats support: PDF, BMP, GIF, JPEG/JPG, PNG, PBM, PGM, PPM, XBM, XPM
- immediate eBag window toggling by configuring an X-Plane hot-key of choice
- multitab support (possibility to open multiple files at the same time)
- document basic transformations like zooming, dragging, rotation
- resizable window and fullscreen mode
- page browsing (for multipage pdf files)
- complete, original, built-in FAA airports charts library, automatically kept up-to-date
- Web Libraries feature: create and share your catalogs of charts, manuals, or other files, downloaded directly from the Internet while you’re flying!
- files packing support in a single file for later fast flight setup
- night mode (colors invertion to fly comfortable during simulated night)
More information about eBag 2.0 can be found in this Thread in the X-Plane.org Forum.
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