FSDT GSX Level 2 has been released!

Today FSDT GSX Level 2 was finally released. The expansion of FSDreamTeam’s popular Ground Services X ground service tool has been long awaited by the community, with the announcement coming in June. GSX Level 2 is an expansion and available for $29 directly from the developer or at the FlightSim Pilot Shop. Prerequisite is the installation of the base product. The add-on is compatible with FSX, FSX:SE and Prepar3D (all versions). However, only Prepar3D v4 is fully supported – all other flight simulators may crash due to lack of memory.

GSX Level 2 offers animated passengers and crew members on the apron as well as in the passenger boarding bridges, in addition the program replaces all jetways in the flight simulator with SODE animated models. The developers had announced the expansion during FlightSimExpo 2018 (We reported).