The Look Back: Flight Simulation 2018

The year 2018 is slowly but surely drawing to a close. This time it almost feels as if the year has passed us at breathtaking speed. That’s why we pause for a moment and list in Flight Simulation 2018 what has moved the community in the past twelve months.

In our look back of the year 2018 we have listed chronologically by months what has moved the scene this year. What was discussed, what was clicked a lot? Now you can read it again.

The tail of the FlyJSim 737 Twin Jet V3


Just in time for the new year Captain Sim releases the highly anticipated 757 Captain III. REX Simulations launches the weather program Sky Force 3D after a long development period and FlyJSim makes the hearts of nostalgics beat faster with the 732 Twinjet V3 pro.


Flight Sim Labs hides malware in the A320-X and brings the scene the Flight Simulation scandal of the year. Leonardo Software celebrates its own return with the FlyTheMaddogX and FlightFactor finally releases the A320 Ultimate for X-Plane 11.


Aerobask releases the Diamond DA62 for X-Plane 11 and Milviz rebuilds the Cessna 310R. TerraMaxx brings winter to X-Plane 11 and with Meigs Field, the software company Orbx launches its very first scenery for X-Plane 11 after an impressive lurching course

The QualityWings Ultimate 787 Collection


After Flight Sim World has turned out to be an absolute stillbirth, Dovetail Games finally draws the line and discontinues the simulator. Orbx releases Netherlands TrueEarth and JustSim brings together with Digital Design Moscow-Vnukovo.


Eagle Dynamics releases the F/A-18C for the Digital Combat Simulator. QualityWings makes the Dreamliner ready for use for Prepar3D v4. Laminar Research heralds the virtual reality age for X-Plane 11.


Half time in review 2018 and total escalation at Flight Sim Labs. After the PR manager threatens critical voices with legal consequences, the company’s website is attacked by hackers. Finally Flight Sim Labs announces that the copy protection will be completely abolished. The aim is to regain trust. In addition: The well-known developer Andras Fabian (alpilotx) says goodbye to the community.

A screenshot of the Outerra Engine


Battle of the small Airbuses: Flight Sim Labs publishes the A319-X, at the same time Aerosoft comes with the A318/319 Professional. Captain7 and 29Palms bring with Nuremberg X one of the scenery crackers of the year and FlyDesign is under fire because of texture theft.


The graphics engine Outerra comes with buildings for the first time. Laminar Research informs about the sense and nonsense of shader manipulation and FlyJSim releases the 727 Series Professional v3. A2A Simulations finally brings the popular tool Accu-Feel v.2 to Prepar3D v4.


September 2018 is marked by the star of numerous publications. Among them are the Boeing 747-8 by PMDG, the V35B Bonanza from A2A Simulations, the A320/321 Professional from Aerosoft and GSX Level 2 from FSDreamTeam. In addition Nvidia presents the new RTX series.

Orbx TrueEarth Great Britain South for X-Plane 11


Orbx launches TrueEarth Great Britain South, a large-scale photo scenery for X-Plane 11, and HotStart delivers full turboprop power with the TBM 900. FlyInside wants to gain a foothold in the scene with its own flight simulator. The MD-11 from Sky Simulations also causes a sensation – although the developers only promise superficial system depth.


November in our Flight Simulation 2018 look back starts with a bang: The FlightSimStore is broke and therefore closes. Also Prepar3D v4.4 is released and delivers Physically-Based-Rendering. Cologne/Bonn Professional from Aerosoft and the QualityWings Avros for Prepar3D v4 has also provided a lot of joy to Flight Simulation pilots. After all, JOE simtech is offering inexpensive hardware kits for the first time.


Sean Moloney, formerly active at RealAir, makes his debut with his new label Vertx and releases the DA62 for Prepar3D v4. Hifi Technologies releases Active Sky XP and Maps2Xplane flies to the Faroe Islands.

This was Flight Simulation 2018 – the look back of the past year. Would you like to read more about what happened in 2018? Then have a look at our archive.