Carenado ATR-42 released for Prepar3D and FSX​

With the Carenado ATR 42, the anniversary aircraft of the South American add-on manufacturer for Prepar3D and FSX has recently been released. Already last week we reported about the upcoming release. They implemented an ATR 42-500 which, according to the product description, offers the typical Carenado features again. On the one hand you get a detailed model with high resolution textures and PBR effects and much more. In addition, Carenado promises the installation of an original autopilot, realistic flight behavior and that the aircraft has been pre tested by pilots of the real model. However, only the standard FMC from Carenado was used. But it is possible to integrate the Flight1 GTN 750 and Reality XP GTN 750 if you own them. The Carenado ATR 42 is available for US $44.95 directly at the Carenado shop.