Soviet biplane: ATSimulations An-2 released!

After the product announcement in January 2019 (We reported) ATSimulations today released the Antonov An-2. The well-known biplane from Soviet production is compatible to FSX, FSX:SE and Prepar3D v4 and v3. The ATSimulations An-2 costs about 25 US dollars, it is available in the shop of ATSimulations. Because the An-2 is a further development of the SibWings model, its owners pay only half the price. The coupon is the own email address from the SibWings shop.

On the product page ATSimulations promises a detailed model with HD textures and 3D instruments. In addition, there are accurate flight dynamics, noises in the cockpit and a soundset with recordings of the real aircraft. In Prepar3D v4, the Antonov An-2 will also offer extended cockpit lighting as well as rain and icing effects. Read more about the add-on aircraft in our full article.

ATSimulations An-2 now also available with skis and floats

In addition to a classic model version with wheeled chassis, the implementation also has a variant with floats and two more with skis. SibWings had promised this extra equipment at the time as a free update, but never published it.

This might be one of the reasons why Andrey Tsvirenko from ATSimulations decided to further develop the add-on. After all, he was involved in the Antonov An-2 from SibWings, where he was responsible for the model and the textures. The developer also wants to work on the Soviet biplane in the future. As he writes on Facebook, he is planning a freighter version and a previously unknown project related to Antonov.

Aerosoft updates their own implementation

The return of the Antonov An-2 from SibWings/ATSimulations has apparently also called Aerosoft onto the scene. The publisher from Paderborn published a comprehensive update for their own implementation of the double-decker today, Thursday. Among other things, the model now comes with a modelled cabin and an improved engine simulation. Competition is the key to stimulating business – even when it comes to flight simulation.