Surprise: Digital Design Tivat announced

Only shortly after the surprising release of a Mallorca Scenery, which was developed together with Just Sim, there is now again a surprising announcement of Digital Design. With Digital Design Tivat, this time we’re going to Montenegro to the Adriatic Sea. A few hours ago, developer Evgeny Baturinan published a respective announcement in his own Facebook group. They show a total of five screenshots, which show the Prepar3D scenery already quite finished. Beside the airport there is also a screenshot showing a highly detailed harbor.

More info about Digital Design Tivat

Thus Digital Design Tivat should again become a scenery on an extremely high level. Digital Design is also well known and popular for this. JustSim, on the other hand, is always criticized for less detailed sceneries. Nevertheless, there are occasional cooperations between the two studios. Evgeny didn’t know exactly when Tivat’s scenery would appear, but it shouldn’t take too long.