»It’s a win-win-situation« – Interview with Mir from Flightbeam
Flightbeam sceneries for X-Plane 11: May be already this year
So far we’ve talked to Mir about Flight beam’s expansion course and what he thinks of developers flooding the market with inferior scenery. Now it’s time to talk to him about X-Plane and Aerofly FS 2.
flightsim.news: In general, what do you think about the progress of our latest simulation platforms? In particular Prepar3D v4, X-Plane 11 and Aerofly FS 2?
Mir: This past decade has been remarkable for Flight Simulation. The platform developers have finally recognized the importance of 3rd party developers and their influence on their own customers. For this reason platform developers such as Lockheed Martin have been working with and developing alongside 3rd part developers like ourselves. They’ve been listening to our feedback and providing us with better tools to create content for the community. For this reason we should be very grateful, because we have not one, but several Simulation platforms which is creating healthy competition and a wide range of choices for customers.

Many users tend to pick one side and become very defensive, but instead should embrace the choices we have. Each platform has strengths and weaknesses. I personally use 3 different sims for various purposes: Prepar3D, XP11 and DCS
Bill Womack has announced that Portland will be released for X-Plane. What about the other sceneries from Flightbeam?
This year we’re exploring converting previous releases into X-Plane 11. I’m hoping we can at least release one or two XP11 products in 2019.
The goal is to reach a wide variety of airports, big and small on different continents. Once New Zealand airports are complete there is no roadmap yet on what comes next. Most likely a large international airport, something I like to specialize in.

With Flightbeam having become quite a large company, could you already give us a hint about your future sceneries?
The other developers have their own discretion in picking their next product. Most of the time we listen to feedback from the customers and pick our next product from suggestions. I would highly recommend folks to reach out to us on Facebook or on our forums to let us know what they want. You may be surprised at our next pick!
Are there any plans to extend your portfolio? Or will you stay with international major airports for now?
Major airports are what really sell, so this is something we’ll likely stick to for a while. There are other developers who specialize in smaller airports and have a customer base dedicated for that, we don’t need to replicate that. Major international airports are constantly undergoing construction and improvements, so we’ve got an endless amount of work to do.
Interview by: Ricardo Linsi and Frank Kuhn for flusinews.de and flightsim.news
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