Tag Archives: General Aviation

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JRollon SIAI-Marchetti SF-260 released for X-Plane 11

A few days ago the SIAI-Marchetti SF-260 by JRollon for X-Plane 11 was released. The add-on aircraft was developed in cooperation with the developers of SimCoders. They took care of a detailed simulation of the Lycoming piston engine, the systems and the flight dynamics. The result, according to...
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The Milviz Cessna 310 now also available for X-Plane 11

Last night, the Milviz Cessna 310 has also been released for X-Plane 11. This is the first step into this new simulation platform for the developers of Military Visualizations (Milviz). The airplane comes with flight characteristics and engine behaviour, which have been specially adapted to X-Plane 11. It also features...
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PA-30: Milviz Twin Comanche released

With the Milviz Twin Comanche the next Aircraft of the popular development group has been released last saturday. The Piper PA-30 Twin Comanche from Military Visualizations is available for FSX as well as FSX:Steam Edition and Prepar3D. According to the product description the aircraft features a high-quality models both...

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Just Flight Duchess Model 76 on final

Edit: The Aircraft is now available at Just Flight. In July the British publisher announced their Just Flight Duchess Model 76 for FSX and Prepar3D (read our article). It is a rendition of the Beechcraft Duchess 76. Now the project is approaching their store straight. As the British...
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The Milviz 310R is coming to X-Plane 11

The Milviz 310R, which was released in March in a new version for the Prepar3D, FSX and FSX:SE, will also be available for X-Plane 11 soon. That’s what a Facebook post from the developers two hours ago says. This decision by Milviz is certainly astonishing, as a detailed...
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Vertx Diamond DA62 announced for P3D v4

After the release of the Carenado DA62 for Prepar3D, the FSX and the FSX:Steam Edition yesterday, today was another implementation of the GA plane for Prepar3D v4. This comes from the developer room Vertx. Although it is new on the market under this name, it is the well-known...
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Carenado DA62 released

On Thursday evening, the Carenado team released their latest add-on. The Diamond DA62, successor of the well known DA42, was developed in Austria and offers modern features thanks to the glass cockpit and Garmin G1000. After the announcement in August (We reported) the light aircraft is already available...
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A2A Simulations Accu-sim Bonanza released

The guys at A2A Simulation have recently released their Accu-sim Bonanza relesed. The infamous General Aviation aircraft is available directly from the developer team’s store for the FSX, FSX:Steam Edition and Prepar3D v4. Depending on the version, it costs between 50 and up to US $100. They promise...

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