With London City Airport, Orbx has finally announced one of the most popular airports in England for X-Plane 11. It will be optimally embedded in TrueEarth Great Britain South.
With Orbx Fairoaks, the publisher continues with their British weeks. After the release of TrueEarth Great Britain North the publisher now brings another airfield for X-Plane 11.
From the premiere of their first live stream on Twitch, the developers of Orbx made a double premiere on Thursday evening. With Orbx Southampton they also released their first airport scenery in the United Kingdom. This was optimally adapted to the recently released TrueEarth Great Britain South, so...
After the release of TrueEarth Great Britain South (We reported), Orbx wants to add to X-Plane 11 immediately and is now working at Southampton Airport (SOU/EGHI), reports Aimee Sanjari in the Orbx Forum. Orbx Southampton will be optimally adapted to TrueEarth Great Britain South, but this is not...
The Brexit deal is due to today – the “The Telegraph” reported already last week. If you want to fly to Great Britain again before the Brexit, Orbx has now published the add-on scenery TrueEarth Great Britain South, which was recently presented last weekend on the Flightsim Show...
Orbx has recently purchased all of Earth Simulations’ digital source files and plans to republish the Channel Islands of Alderney, Guernsey, Jersey and the Isle of Man. This was announced by Marketing Manager Aimee Sanjari last Wednesday in the Orbx Forum. According to this, Turbulent Designs is to...
This year again, the famous scenery publisher is hosting its Orbx Summer Sale. All products are reduced, there is a discount of up to 50%. Included here are airport sceneries, regions and base packages. The Orbx Summer Sale runs until August 22 01:00 Zulu. The Orbx Store can...
Hello from the newsroom too flightsim.news weekly, our every week’s Flight Simulation News recap. This week with notifications from Aerosoft, Orbx, Just Flight, Aerofly FS, FranceVFR, MagMexico, Carendao, LatinVFR, Tailstrike Design. Furthermore, we have the scandal around the FlightSim Store and Drzewiecki Design’s warnings from buying there. Are...