Tag Archives: Tool

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Electronic Flight Bag v2 by AivlaSoft released

The Swiss company AivlaSoft recently released the Electronic Flight Bag v2, the new generation of their very useful help tool for virtual pilots. For example, EFB v2 can now use TOPCAT, an easier navigation with NATs (North Atlantic Tracks). It can now also interact with third-party weather tools...
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AI Passengers: TFDi announces PACX

Today TFDi announced PACX, a new tool for Prepar3D and X-Plane 11 to bring AI passengers into the flight simulator. The background is that the tristesse a virtual pilot feels during a flight should be taken away from the simulation. Instead, an interactive and lively flight experience with passengers...
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Passengers, Jetways and more: FSDT GSX Level 2 coming!

On this year’s FlightSimExpo last weekend, the FSDreamTeam (FSDT) announced GSX Level 2. This comprehensive extension of Ground Services X will be released this year and will bring new features that have never been seen before in Flight Simulation. For example, it will be able to exchange existing...
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TerraMaxx: Seasons for X-Plane 11

The makers of SkyMaxx Pro have just announced TerraMaxx for X-Plane 11. The new add-on will finally bring seasons into the flight simulator of Laminar Research and will be published on X-Aviation.com on Saturday, 17 March 2018. As Cameron of X-Aviation writes in the X-Plane.org forum, TerraMaxx offers...

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